Malakit distribution is implemented at “rest sites”: these places are transit points at border crossings consisting of wooden shacks on stilts set up as shops, hotels, and bars where miners can purchase logistical equipment, rest, and sell gold.
When staying at these sites located in Suriname and Brazil along the two borders represented by the Maroni and Oiapoque rivers respectively, the status of these miners is no longer illegal and they are thus in a better position for health promotion.
There are two distribution sites on the Brazilian side of Oiapoque river: Oiapoque and Ilha Bella, and two on the Surinamese side of the Maroni river: Albina and Antonio do Brinco. The fifth one is located at the TropClinic at Paramaribo, a clinic offering case management and screening especially for people working in gold mines.
Kits are distributed by non-profit organizations:
- In Suriname, SWOS, a Scientific Research Foundation;
- In Brazil, DPAC Fronteira, a health mediation association.